Phil Smage’s Story

Phil Smage’s Story

I spent most of my life completely enthralled in action sports. Not a day went by that I didn’t spend at least part of it on a bike or a board, unless I was hurt. This dedication to my passions led to me achieving my dream of filming with Nitro Circus. This also led to my biggest injury ever. Without the support of the Road 2 Recovery foundation I wouldn’t have been as fortunate with my recovery. Not everyone is lucky enough to be selected to be on the road 2 recovery roster like I was. Unfortunately there are far more serious injuries than there is help available. It’s this reason why new programs such as The Adventured foundation are so important to action sports. I am forever grateful for what R2R did for me and that’s why I will always support foundations like Adventured and anyone else out there making things easier for people who are facing the hardest challenges of their lives

-Phil Smage (Smagical) 



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